CKEditor Candimage image

CKEditor Candimage


CKEditor plugin that allows upload and browse images.

  • Image uploader
  • Image browser
  • Customizable


  1. Copy the plugin to the /plugins folder.
  2. Enable the plugin:
config.extraPlugins = 'candimage';
  1. Toolbar:
    • Group: candimage
    • Buttons:
      • candimageProps Open the image properties dialog.
      • candimageUpload Upload image.
      • candimagePick Open the image browser dialog.

[Installing plugins] [Toolbar customization]



config.candimage = {

    // Requests.
    getUrl: '/get',
    postUrl: '/upload',
    deletetUrl: '/delete',
  • The get request must return a JSON array of items containing, at least, the fields specified in tplReplacements.
  • The post request must return a JSON object with, at least, the fields specified in tplReplacements.
  • deletetUrl may contain the {file} parameter, which will be replaced by the name of the image.
    • /images/{file} becomes /images/my-image-filename.


config.candimage = {

    // Image browser theme.
    theme: 'grid',

    // Show/hide advanced tab on Image dialog.
    advancedTabHidden: true,

    // CSS prefix.
    cssClsPrefix: 'candimage',

    // Fields to replace on the image template used by the browser.
    // Default: specified by the theme.
    tplReplacements: [],

    // Requests.
    deleteMethod: 'DELETE',

    // Browser dialog properties.
    picker: {
        width: 600,
        height: 400,
        minWidth: 300,
        minHeight: 200,
        defaultContent: '...',

    // One click upload using FormData interface.
    // Override the method to use another system.
    upload: function(editor) {},

    // Upload callbacks.
    uploadAlways: function(editor, result, textStatus, jqXHR, context) {},
    uploadDone: function(editor, result, textStatus, jqXHR, context) {},
    uploadFail: function(editor, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, context) {},

    // Browser callbacks.
    pickerOnLoad: function(editor, dialog, container) {},
    pickerOnShow: function(editor, dialog, container) {},
    pickerOnResize: function(editor, dialog, container, e) {},
    pickerImgClick: function(editor, container, img) {},
    pickerImgDblClick: function(editor, container, img, buttons) {},
    pickerOnOk: function(editor, dialog, container) {},

    // Get images callbacks.
    getImgsAlways: function(editor, result, textStatus, jqXHR, context) {},
    getImgsDone: function(editor, result, textStatus, jqXHR, context) {},
    getImgsFail: function(editor, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, context) {},

    // Render browser's image template.
    applyTemplate: function(tpl) {},

    // Confirm image deletion.
    deleteImgConfirm: function(editor, container, $img, imgName) {},

    // Delete image method.
    deleteImg: function(editor, container, $img, imgName) {},

    // Deletion callbacks.
    deleteImgAlways: function(editor, $img, result, textStatus, jqXHR, context) {},
    deleteImgDone: function(editor, $img, result, textStatus, jqXHR, context) {},
    deleteImgFail: function(editor, $img, jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown, context) {},    
  • When overwriting a function is advisable to check the original code.


The themes define the appearance of the images browser. By default Candimage includes two themes: grid and list.

A theme consists of three files:

  • style.css Styles used by the images browser.
  • config.json Set properties like tplReplacements or picker.*.
  • tpl-img.html Browser’s image template.

Themes location: /plugins/candimage/themes.

Click on the next link to view the source code and a basic example.

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