Captcha image



PHP Captcha system (session based): configurable look and different validation modes.

  • Configurable look
  • Different types of questions/answers
  • Timer: minimum and maximum time for validation
  • Multiple instances
  • PHP 5.3+
  • GD 2.0.1+ with FreeType support



$captcha = new \GrindNous\Captcha\Captcha();
// Customize
$captcha = new \GrindNous\Captcha\Captcha(array(
    'property' => 'value'

Accessing properties:

// Get property
// Set property
$captcha->prop('property', 'value');

Show captcha:

// captcha-generator.php
// captcha-request-page.php
<img src="captcha-generator.php" />
// captcha-request-page.php
$encodedImage = $captcha->base64();
echo '<img src="'.$encodedImage.'" />';


// verify-page.php
if(\GrindNous\Captcha\Captcha::valid( $userPostedData ))
    // Valid
    // Not valid

Specifying the captcha to validate:

// verify-page.php
if(\GrindNous\Captcha\Captcha::valid( $userPostedData, $captchaName ))


name — Name of the session var that will contain the captcha information.
Default : 'default'
Options : string
questionType 1 — Specifies how will generate the validation code.
Default : normal
Options : normal | ghost | strikethrough | notStrikethrough
ltr — Left to right: indicates whether the introduction of characters have to be performed from left to right or vice versa.
Default : true
Options : bool
minTimeLapse — Seconds that must elapse, at least, to take into account the data sent by the user.
Default : 10
Options : int
maxTimeLapse — Elapsed seconds to mark the captcha as invalid.
Default : 600
Options : int
width — Image width.
Default : 140
Options : int
height — Image height.
Default : 60
Options : int
imageType — Image format.
Default : 'png'
Options : 'jpeg' | 'gif' | 'png'
bgColor 2 — Background color.
Default : '#fff'
Options : string | array
textColor 2 — Text color.
Default : '#333'
Options : string | array
ghostText — Display a second set of semitransparent chars.
Default : true
Options : bool
ghostTextColor 2 — Color of semitransparent chars.
Default : '#333'
Options : string | array
lines — Strikethrough characters randomly.
Default : true
Options : bool
lineColor 2 — Color of lines.
Default : '#333'
Options : string | array
lineWidth — Width of the lines.
Default : 2
Options : int
circles — Add semitransparent circles.
Default : true
Options : bool
circleColor 2 — Color of circles.
Default : '#333'
Options : string | array
length — Number of characters.
Default : 4
Options : int
fontFile 3 — TrueType font to use.
Default : 'ttf_molten/molten.ttf'
Options : string
fontSize — Font size.
Default : 22
Options : int
letterSpacing — Character spacing.
Default : 0
Options : int

1 Each type of question will affect the valid response.

Minitabs basic thumb

  • normal: insert all opaque chars (affected by textColor).
  • ghost: insert all semitransparent chars (affected by ghostTextColor).
  • strikethrough: insert only the strikethrough chars.
  • notStrikethrough: insert only the chars without strikethrough.

2 Hexadecimal color value, string of comma separated RGB values or indexed array with RGB values.

3 The font will be searched in the "fonts" folder starting from the location of the class file.

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