Datetimepicker logo Datetimepicker


constructor Object: config, Boolean: initialize

Datetimepicker uses Modi and Calendar packages, so the config object merges the configuration of both.

Config structure:

config = {
  {Modi config},
  calendar: {Calendar config},
  minDate: {String|Number|Date},
  maxDate: {String|Number|Date},
  selectedDate: {String|Number|Date}

Default config:

config = {
  eventsNamespace: 'dtp',
  template: <defaultTemplate>,
  minDate: null,
  maxDate: null,
  selectedDate: new Date(),
  calendar: {
    week: {
      namesType: 'mini'

Datetimepicker extends Modi, so, in addition to the following properties, methods and events, those offered by the base class are also available.


calendar Calendar

Calendar instance.

selectedDate Date

Default selected date.

hoursRange Array

Hours range.

minutesRange Array

Minutes range.


changeMonth Date: date

Change selected month.


Redraw calendar.

setSelectedDay String|Number|Date: day, Boolean: changeMonth

Set selected day.

setLimitDate String: type, String|Number|Date: date, Boolean: refresh

Set calendar limits.

getDayElementByDate String|Number|Date: date Element|undefined

Get day element by date.

getSelectedDayDate mixed: def Date|mixed

Get selected day.

getHours Number

Get selected hour.

getMinutes Number

Get selected minutes.

parseDate String|Number|Date: date, mixed: def Date|mixed

Parse date.

isValidDate mixed: operand Boolean

Check for a valid date object.


Dispatched events have the detail property, which contains:

datetimepicker.addListener('dtp:day:click', (e) => {


Dispatched when a day element is clicked.

detail +=


Dispatched when the current month changes.

detail +=


Dispatched when an action button is clicked.

detail +=